Center for Ethical Living and Social Justice Renewal (CELSJR)

Transformational Learning

The Center’s mission is grounded in the understanding that there are many methods of social change and all of them – from direct service to education to advocacy to community organizing – prioritize relationship in order to be effective for justice. You are invited to be in relationship with the Center for Ethical Living and Social Justice Renewal on your justice journey.
We offer a variety of unique service-learning and training opportunities that we invite you to come experience. From hosting No Papers, No Fear human rights activists to Ride for the Future Climate change activists, the Center provides radical hospitality for collective liberation.

Service-Learning Journey

Service-learning journeys are intentionally designed to provide context for volunteers, help integrate their new experience with their own life stories, be effective witnesses to the need for continued assistance and recovery of the Gulf Coast, and return to their home communities with an analysis about oppression that allows them to become local agents for change.

Issue-Focused Intensive Service Learning Journeys

If a service-learning journey sounds like an intriguing option for you, but your group or organization is particularly focused on a specific justice issue such as environmental justice or education justice this is the trip for you! The week will involve more demanding programming and reflections sessions and issue specific service placements.

Professional Development for Institutional Change

The Center offers a modified version of our curriculum for half-day, full-day, or weekend professional development sessions. We have been invited by local institutions and non profits to facilitate discussions, lead reflections, and provide local driving tours and scavenger hunts that are rooted in anti-racist principles. As a staff, you will explore your own institution in order to evaluate how you operate as a team and examine how you can provide better service to the city of New Orleans.

National Youth Justice Training

This one-week training for high school youth offers interactive social justice education and meaningful hands-on work with local organizations building a thriving New Orleans. In a program grounded in UU values and practices, participants will develop skills for producing social change through community engagement, reflection on issues of to race and class, and creating the beloved community.